10 Tips for Optimizing Website SEO Content for Better Rankings - AdMarketing Titan
Content doesn’t have to be just informational, it has to be readable. Google and other search engines have algorithms that measure the post's readability; if it fails the test, other readers might never find the blog post. Writing blogs requires understanding how to present information in front of the audience that is digestible and informational so that they come again for more. Moreover, if the content is easily understandable, they are more likely to share the content with others. Successful SEO writing includes both Writing for the algorithm. Writing for audience. This post provides tips on how to structure the content to be SEO-friendly and readable. Use of Keywords in Blog Title Both search engines and the readers greatly emphasize the blog title. For search engines, blog titles act as a mild ranking signal, blog title often defines the impressions-to-click ratio. For the user, it acts as a filter to as whether the blog title is convincing enough to click on t...